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As we leap into the start of a brand new financial year (be it April or July start date for you) it’s the perfect time to reflect, reorganise and revitalise your business strategies for success!

Efficiency and productivity are the new battle cries! And we are here to help you achieve them with all our best tips for streamlining and automation.

So, let’s get ready to plan out a year that will help you achieve your goals.


Let’s be honest, the world of small and medium business has had a tough few years. First, we had to tackle Covid wreaking havoc with operations and supply chains. Then there was the Covid hangover when we had to get used to a new form of normal in our businesses. Now, we are dealing with a downturn in the economy and low business confidence.

You'd be forgiven for feeling a little frustrated and jaded.

So, that’s why now is the time to shape the kind of business you want to have. What do you want things to look like? Are you hustling for business growth, solidifying in your current state or refining your client base?

All of these options are 100% viable if they feel right in your current stage of business. Whatever you want to achieve, now is the time to create the plan to make it happen.


If we’ve learnt anything from the last few years, it’s that you need to be flexible and mobile in your business. Any plan you make does not have to be set in concrete; it can evolve throughout the year if it needs to.

However, it is essential to set some form of a plan to ensure you keep moving in the direction you want to go.

Once you have decided on your overarching direction, it is time to set some goals that will help you work towards your growth or solidification plan.


When you are setting goals, you want to give yourself the best chance of achieving them. That’s why following the SMART formula can be helpful. Your goals should be:

Specific: Define clear and precise objectives. Instead of simply saying you want to "increase sales", set a goal like "increase monthly sales by 20%". 

Measurable: Establish metrics to track your progress. If we look at our income goal again, you can track progress on your 20% increase via reports in your accounting software.

Achievable: While it's essential to challenge yourself, you want to set goals that are realistically attainable. Push the boundaries just enough to get you where you want to be without being overwhelmed.

Relevant: Ensure your goals align with your business's overall objectives. Each goal should contribute to your overarching plan for the year.

Time-Bound: Set a deadline for achieving your goals. Having a timeline creates a sense of urgency and accountability.


If you want to push yourself, you can set stretch goals along with your SMART ones. A stretch goal slightly exceeds what's considered easily achievable, encouraging innovation and pushing your team's capabilities.

For instance, if your SMART goal is to increase sales by 20%, your stretch goal might be aiming for a 30% increase. While ambitious, this stretch goal can motivate you to explore innovative strategies or other ways to surpass your initial expectations.


To give yourself the best chance of success, you’ll want to divide your goals into small, actionable tasks. Create a roadmap that outlines the specific steps needed to achieve each goal.

Not only will this make your goals more manageable but it also enables you to track your progress more effectively.

By breaking down larger objectives into smaller, achievable tasks, you have clear milestones. Don’t forget to recognise and celebrate when you achieve each milestone to keep you motivated to reach the next one.


This is the perfect time to reorganise and revitalise your business so that it operates in the way you like to work. We love embracing automation's power and streamlining your processes to make your business a lean, mean productivity machine!

Here are some ways you can set the stage for a prosperous year:

Assess Your Workflows

Take a step back from the day-to-day and ruthlessly examine your business processes. Identify any bottlenecks, unnecessary steps, and areas prone to delay. Consider ways to remedy these issues to improve efficiency.

Simplify your procedures, eliminate unnecessary elements, and establish clear, concise steps for everyday tasks and one-off projects.

Use The Tools Available

There is a piece of software for just about anything these days, but one of the most potent tools is task management software. Tools like Asana, Trello, Click Up or Monday streamline everything from task allocation and progress tracking to team communication.

Keeping everyone on the same page, these programs give your whole team visibility, ensure nothing is missed and that deadlines are met. With task management software, you can enjoy a more productive work environment.

A CRM system is another great productivity tool. Instead of tracking tasks, it tracks the relationships you have with your clients. Enhancing customer interactions and streamlining your sales processes, a CRM manages client info and shows you what is happening with them at any given time.

Let's not forget that AI add-ons within existing tools are bringing the potential for achievement to a whole new level. 


One of our favourite words… automation! Wave goodbye to mundane, repetitive tasks by automating them. Whether it’s email responses, data entry or social media scheduling, automation frees up valuable time for focusing on core business activities. 

Take It To The Cloud

Cloud-based software solutions allow you to work anytime, anywhere. Always operating in real-time for seamless storage and collaboration, there is no danger that you (or your team) will be working on outdated documents or files. Cloud solutions like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 make it easy to get work done.

Get Chatty

Implementing a chatbot on your website could make round-the-clock customer service a total reality. Able to handle common queries via AI response, the chatbot can work when you aren’t and free up time in your day. It also ensures your customers are responded to promptly, solving easy issues instantly and giving you more information to address complex ones.


Sometimes, it can be tricky to see the wood for the trees in your business. When you are in the midst of day-to-day operations, it is hard to identify the areas that need improvement.

That’s where it can be helpful to engage a productivity expert like a VA to help you establish bottlenecks and problem areas. A good VA will also have the technological expertise to get your business streamlined and automated.

Here at Good Line, we specialise in productivity. We help our clients achieve more with less input.

So, if this year is the time you reorganise and revitalise your business, then we are here to help you do it.

Get in touch with our team now and take your first step towards better productivity.


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